Madalina Diaconu: Art in the Air

Srdečně Vás zveme na přednášku Madaliny Diaconu, filozofky působící na Vídeňské univerzitě, o estetice počasí. Přednáška se odehrává v rámci akcí pořádaných Společností pro estetiku a proběhne tentokrát v anglickém jazyce.

Madalina Diaconu

24. 9. od 16:00

Art in the Air

„Aesthetics of Weather“ (Bloomsbury 2024) represents the first systematic analysis of our aesthetic experience of the weather condition and bridges the neophenomenological aesthetics of atmosphere with an engaged eco-phenomenology. After positioning its approach in relation to environmental aesthetics, the aesthetics of everyday life and the aesthetics of science, the talk introduces to the wide field of possibilities that it opens for philosophizing on arts. The second part discusses challenges that arise from including temperature in aesthetics and acknowledging air not only as subject of artistic representation, but also in its form-making agency, based on examples from contemporary art.

Galerie Jan Čejka, Hybernská 4, Praha 1